Crumbs about this and that. Food, fashion, and the many fancies of a young baking professional from Texas.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Oh, melba

Right this instant I feel like a smear of butter on a very large piece of toast. I am cold and lacking accompaniment. What the crud? I need to invest in a large stuffed animal. I could do well with a manatee or a tortoise or a dragon, something cool. Maybe a dash of salt?

First day of the new job at Otto's Market. It went very well. Super well. Too well? No way! I have a good feeling about this place, I think it will be a great place to work. Made a many cookies today. Tomorrow, scones!

Lately I've been hearing nervous rustling behind me when I'm outside. I turn, expecting squirrels or ground hogs but it always ends up being three or four robins huddled together under a bush or hiding behind a garbage can. They always freeze and stare back at me like they've been caught cutting class. Robins are so peculiar.

1 comment:

Soren Lorensen said...

okay cool robins are lovely

and by the way butter needs NO is butter and is the number one friend of toast.